Sellers March 11, 2024

I am selling my house myself. Do I need to follow the fair housing act?

Yes, if you’re selling your home yourself, you must follow the Fair Housing Act’s guidelines. The Fair Housing Act is a federal law in the United States that prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. This means that when selling your home, you cannot discriminate against potential buyers in advertising, negotiating, or during the sale process based on these protected categories.

There are very few exceptions to the Fair Housing Act, which are pretty specific. For example, the “Mrs. Murphy” exemption applies only if the dwelling has four or fewer units and the owner lives in one of them. Even in such cases, discriminatory advertising is still not allowed.

Whether selling your home yourself or through an agent, it’s essential to ensure that you treat all potential buyers equally and avoid any language or actions that could be construed as discriminatory. This includes your language in listings and how you conduct the sale process. Compliance with the Fair Housing Act helps ensure the housing market is fair and open to all.